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Media Releases
CMHA National Releases Statement in Response to First Minister Health Summit
Feb 9, 2023CMHA reaction to announcement emerging from February 7, 2023, First Ministers Health Summit The Canadian Mental Health Association welcomes the Government of Canada’s commitment to improve access to quality,…
McGill research reveals positive impact of CMHA Ontario’s Talk today Program in Canadian Juniour Hockey League
Jan 27, 2023(Montreal/Toronto, Jan. 26, 2023) – A new report by McGill University Faculty of Education researchers shows Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario’s Talk Today program is making a positive impact on athletes in…
CMHA PEI Launches Learning Hub Winter Calendar
Jan 16, 2023Charlottetown—The Canadian Mental Health Association – PEI Division (CMHA PEI) has just launched its Learning Hub Winter Calendar with free courses for Islanders being offered over the next few months. [Continue Reading…]
Act for Mental Health calls for the promised Canada Mental Health Transfer now
Nov 17, 2022FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON (November 14, 2022) – With rising mental health care needs and Emergency Departments stretched past their limits, Canada must act now to cover mental health care, both…
PTSD Awareness Day, June 27, 2022
Jun 27, 2022Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur after a person has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. Trauma refers to events causing extreme distress and anxiety, whose…
CMHA’s 71st National Mental Health Week is May 2-8 The theme this year focuses on Empathy
May 2, 2022May 2, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CMHA’s 71st National Mental Health Week is May 2-8 The theme this year focuses on Empathy Charlottetown—The Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) 71st National…
Most Canadians worry COVID will never go away
Mar 1, 2022Mar 1, 2022 For immediate release New research shows chronic stress taking toll on individuals and organizations TORONTO (ONTARIO) Mar. 1, 2022 – Far from feeling the pandemic is…
CMHA welcomes Sophie Grégoire Trudeau as National Volunteer
Feb 1, 2022Feb 1, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TORONTO (ONTARIO) February 1, 2022 – We at the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) are thrilled to welcome Sophie Grégoire Trudeau as our first…
Canadian Mental Health Association – PEI Division receives $25,000 Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund grant
Jan 25, 2022JANUARY 25, 2022 Canadian Mental Health Association – PEI Division receives $25,000 Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund grant Charlottetown, PEI – The Canadian Mental Health Association – PEI Division (CMHA…