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CMHA PEI Holds Inaugural WSPD Bench Placement Ceremony in Cavendish
Sep 10th, 2024
On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, in recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day CMHA PEI placed a bench in Cavendish, PE. at a private Bench Placement Ceremony. The bench was placed at the site of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Cavendish Home, located at 8521 Cavendish Road, North Rustico, PE. L.M. Montgomery lived here as a child with her maternal grandparents from 1876 to 1911, where she wrote many of her books, including Anne of Green Gables. This year marks the 150th birthday celebration of L.M. Montgomery. The Ceremony was held in honour of her and those we’ve lost to suicide, those who are still here, and in support of their loved ones.
This Bench Placement Ceremony was CMHA PEI’s inaugural event, which we hope to host each year on World Suicide Prevention Day in other communities across PEI. CMHA PEI intends to have this, and future benches become staples within Island communities for people to sit, reflect, remember and acknowledge the significance of reducing stigma, raising awareness and bringing positive change to life promotion and mental health for all.
Thank you to Kate Macdonald-Butler, granddaughter of Lucy Maud Montgomery, Dr Kate Scarth and Dr Philip Smith of the Lucy Maud Montgomery Institute and David MacNeill and the heirs of the MacNeill homestead in Cavendish where Lucy was raised and began her writing. Thank you for your willingness, dedication, contribution and collaboration on this inaugural event for CMHA PEI.
We thank all who attended and spoke at this inaugural event including:
David MacNeill heir of the MacNeill homestead in Cavendish
Dr Phillip Smith (L.M. Montgomery Institute) who spoke on behalf of Kate MacDonald-Butler (great-granddaughter of L.M. Montgomery)
Heath MacDonald, Member of Parliament for Malpeque PEI
The Honourable Mark McLane, Minister of Health and Wellness and Deputy Minister, Lisa Thibeau
Julie Pellissier-Lush, Mi’kmaq Storyteller of PEI for giving an Indigenous greeting with land acknowledgements.
Tina Pranger, Member of CMHA PEI Board of Directors for emceeing
Julia Ramsay, CMHA PEI Director of Community Education and Peer Support for speaking on behalf of CMHA PEI, the significance, and impact of World Suicide Prevention Day within our Island communities.
Emily Howard, Local artist and avid mental health advocate
CMHA PEI staff

Revealing of the bench by The Honourable Mark McLane Minister of Health and Wellness and David MacNeill heir of the MacNeill Homestead

CMHA PEI Inaugural Bench