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Intervention Strategies
- Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Workshops is a 2-day workshop that prepares caregivers to be ready, willing and able to respond and intervene with a person-at-risk of suicide. Visit our Training page for more information about ASIST.
- ASIST Tune-Up is a half-day workshop for those who have participated in ASIST Training Edition 11 and want to refresh their skills. It is recommended that people tune-up their ASIST skills every 2 years. For more information and to find and ASIST Tune-Up Workshop, visit
- Suicide: Facing the Difficult Topic Together – Empowering Physicians, Instilling Hope in Patients; Healthcare providers play a pivotal role in preventing suicides in Canada. The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), mdBriefCase and the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) have developed an online, accredited suicide prevention module for family physicians.